Sunday, September 27, 2009

Where we've already been...

Some highlight of places we're already eaten - some of these might get a full review later. But in the meantime here goes (in no particular order)....

Royal Mail Hotel - a simply amazing dinner in the restaurant on our first night. Ten sublime courses from chef Dan Hunter (formerly at Mugaritz which is our favourite restaurant EVER). Vegetable with coffee and cocoa was simply sublime, as were the perfectly poached sardines we had at the start on deep fried jamon. We also had a great table right by the pass - the same as Anthony Bourdain when he was there. To get a sense of what we ate, see the No Reservations clip - it's pretty much the same food. Royal Mail starts after 2 mins - interestingly the prior clip is of a fab szechuan joint called Dainty Food (a misnomer of ever there was one...)

The European - nice bistro food. Ate here a lot when I first came here doing due diligence as it's open late. Annoyingly only serves European wines. But a bit like being in a Parisian cafe. If you want local wine go next door to City Wine Bar (shares a kitchen) where they do great snack food and sell wines frmo the offlicence you can drink on the premises. I love this place...

Laus Family Kitchen - super cantonese food, interesting see and be seen place for power Sunday lunching. We saw "celebrity chefs" and others...

That's enough for now - more to come later...

Melbourne Dining

So, we've lived in Melbourne for around two years and are soon heading home to the UK. We're passionate about food (our honeymoon was spent eating in as many top restaurants as we could - Mugaritz, Arzak and Michel Bras all made the list) and have eaten in some truly great restaurants here. And there are many more to do - so for the next few months we'll be doing our best to eat our way through them. I thought it would be interesting to record this (plus a few highlights of other places we have eaten and what we thought of them as well). Maybe some opinions woth sharing plus a lasting momento of our time in Melbourne. Bon appetit...